Perinatal Mood and Anxiety Disorders: Screening and Treatment
Presenter: Sara Kornfield, PhD
Approximately 25% of pregnant and postpartum people experience depression and/or anxiety. One in seven experience postpartum depression, which can last for years if untreated and may impact infants and children as well. Inconsistent screening for behavioral health issues in the perinatal population, along with a lack of awareness of the prevalence of these concerns, contribute to high rates of undiagnosed and untreated mental health and substance use disorders.
This complex epidemic requires a coordinated multidisciplinary response from well-informed providers who care for pregnant and postpartum people. Health Federation of Philadelphia, in partnership with Community Behavioral Health, is offering a 4-part educational series on Perinatal Behavioral Health to meet this need.
This first training will enhance your approach to identifying, supporting, and treating your childbearing clients with behavioral health issues. The knowledge you gain can help to alleviate suffering in the families you serve."
Cost: None
Accredited for: CME, Nursing, SW, PCB